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KWAVE C&T has been working for economic development and export promotion, and as the largest overseas economic marketplace network of the Korean trade market
Market Place
Compliance Code of Conduct & Guide
1. As KWAVE C&T people, we practice integrity and respect our dignity and conscience. In carrying out work, not only complying with laws, but also observing basics and principles, and complying with social norms of the international community, national and local communities. Respect fellow executives and employees working together, global workforce, and employees of partner companies. In the event of a conflict of interest between the company and an individual, the legitimate interests of the company take precedence.
2. We respect the order of market competition and aim for fair competition by complying with laws and regulations. We shall not engage in acts that impede fair and free competition, such as collusion or unfair trade practices. We shall not engage in unfair trade practices in the capital market, such as trading stocks using information acquired in the course of business. Comply with domestic and foreign trade control regulations such as embargo on strategic goods.
3. Conduct business transparently and cleanly, and comply with the company’s anti-corruption policy. We do not give bribes or make improper solicitations in connection with our work, do not use illegal methods such as facilitation payments, do not accept or demand money, etc., and act with integrity according to our conscience. We do not intervene in politics, provide illegal political funds, or engage in illegal money transactions such as money laundering. Internal transactions and external sponsorships of a certain size are executed after going through the approval process of the board of directors or committees within the board of directors according to internal regulations, and the decision-making process according to internal regulations such as delegation rules is followed. Accurately record accounting in accordance with international accounting standards and accounting-related laws and conduct internal control activities.
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